Even if temporary relief is possible from prescribed medication, intake of these drugs over a period of time will cause numerous side effects, acting as they do only on the immediate causes of acid reflux.

Heartburn is a complex phenomenon caused by more profound factors and co-factors besides the local causes already referred to.5% of cases.

When this reflux gets to the upper part of the esophagus, the results can be a dry cough, wheezing, hoarseness or a chronic sore.

Dietary habits, lifestyle and patterns of behavior all figure as suspects in recent researches and can worsen an acid reflux condition that already exists, suggesting a holistic, natural solution is to be preferred. Any natural remedy for heartburn must first of all deal with these factors.

Antacids used over a long period of time for example can make the problem worse, because stomach acid is needed for reasons of good digestion and immunity.

Several factors including not only a weak LES but also insufficiency of stomach acid and various genetic tendencies should be addressed as components of a full cure for acid reflux, but remain immediate or local causes of heartburn.

. A characteristic burning feeling, commonly at night, afflicts acid reflux patients in this case. In addition, chronic reflux into the lower esophagus can cause a condition known as Barrett's esophagus, turning into esophageal cancer in some 0.

Heartburn or acid reflux happens when stomach acid flows back into the esophagus to cause a burning pain.

Observing the holistic approach after a correct diagnosis of your problem, using specific supplements based on herbs and vitamins, together with a full set of dietary principles and Candida control protocols (which figure as an important element in acid reflux) can provide a natural cure and prevent recurrence in a safe and effective way. Indications are of an additional group of internal factors that produce an environment leading to the formation of heartburn.Do sufferers from acid reflux have to put up endlessly with prescription medication and its side effects just for momentary relief or is there a natural cure for acid reflux? A qualified nutritionist and erstwhile chronic acid reflux sufferer reveals the truth about a natural solution to cure and prevent acid reflux, after 11 years of trying, testing and experimenting. Temporary relief may come from blockers such as PPIs and H2, but these may also lead to osteoporosis. This acid reflux, also known as GERD (gastroesophageal reflux disease), is the result of the one-way valve in the esophagus (called the LES or lower esophageal sphincter) losing Flap Valve its ability to stop food and stomach acid from traveling back up

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